About Sakáta
Sakáta is all about stepping away from traditional, paternalistic help and instead fostering an environment of cooperation and solidarity. Our programs are designed to bring together people from all walks of life and encourage them to share their knowledge and experiences. Our mission is to create a supportive network of individuals and organizations who are dedicated to making a positive impact in the world. Whether you're looking to learn something new or share your expertise, Sakáta is the place to be.
Our method of learning at Sakáta breaks free from traditional power structures. Instead, we foster a cooperative learning environment that prioritizes open communication and mutual learning. This allows us to better understand the level of learning of each person and tailor our approach to meet their unique needs. We encourage learners to ask questions and engage in discussions that broaden their knowledge base and stretch their critical thinking abilities.
Conocer al equipo
Sakáta’s seeds were planted in Spain, they were nourished from different areas around the globe where they got immerse in their cultures and people until they started growing in Bulgaria. They have been foreigners for such a long time that they became strangers everywhere giving them the sense of belonging to different collectives and this is why they want to see both their communities blooming. Even though their roots are in Spain they have also harvested their fruits in Bulgaria, so now you can see how their actions are focused on both contexts.
María Cenamor Mochales
María is a storm on a quiet day. She can bring you chaos and at the same time make you feel at peace with her sweetness. She can make you feel like the strongest and capable person in the world as she will speak to you as if she was your most loving granny.
Food is one of her passions, she could prepare a feast while she is discussing social injustices ready to fix the world. She will defend her thoughts with her sharp reasoning filled with emotion and passion.
She is immersed in different social movements, but the areas that move her the most are feminism, sustainability, food sovereignty, and LGBTQ+ rights.
Laura Solé Melero
Laura is the queen of organization. She loves having everything written down and hundreds of lists to have her tasks under control. Even though, when her plans break apart, she masters her improvisation skills.
She lives in a remote rural area in the mountains enjoying the changes in nature between seasons, learning what feminism and sustainability mean in such a community, and sharing her point of view so she can disrupt preestablish ideas and break walls.
Feminism and sustainability are her moto, nevertheless, she is also motivated by topics such as rural areas development and personal growth.
Juli Jurieva
Juli is a restless and colorful person, full of ideas and willing to take any challenge to make her grow. She has been in 55 countries all over the world, and she has lived in Mexico for one year where she fell in love with this joyful country.
She is always learning and exploring new ways to discover the world and to make a great impact in Bulgaria. She is undoubtedly a person full of knowledge, and humble at the same time, willing to listen and try new ways of working.
It is an absolute pleasure to be surrounded by Juli, because whole worlds open to us when we are together.
Mirela Georgieva
Mirela is one of those unique people who sees the forest in a special way, almost like an elf. At the same time, she is analytical, drawing from different sources to build a story.
She is a lover of plants, insects, animals... In fact, almost anything that lives, and she shares it with such passion and pedagogical skill that you will never forget the lesson.
The areas in which she shines most are ecology, sustainability and feminism.