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Digital FoodPrint: Addressing food security through digital
technology and an educational card game

Erasmus+  KA210-ADU - Small-scale partnerships in adult education

Goals of the project

The main goal of the project is to address the concept of Food Security, in order to make people more familiar with the topic, as well as to foster Food Security in our own communities, to be part of the actors for a better change.


Directly related to Food Security is the climate change crisis, due to food production is one of the sectors that most pollute the environment, highlighting, above all, meat production. That is the reason why tackling the climate change issue, is another goal that the Digital FoodPrint project addresses. 


One of the tools of the project that will promote such goals, is an educational card game, to promote critical thinking, learning new concepts, new ways of improving Food Security in the cities and places where participants and players live, and how can people mitigate climate change through the food purchase and consumption. 

Partners of the project

The partners of the project are Association Professional Forum for Education (from Bulgaria), My Madeira Island (from Portugal), and Sakáta (from Spain).



What have we done until the moment?

The achievements of the projects could be summarized in: the creation of the literature review defined as “Documentation of Food Security and Educational Games”, the design of the Card Game, Card Game tasting, and the implementation of the Short-term Staff Training.


-Creation of the Documentation of Food Security and Educational Games: To document the issues of Food Security connected with the topic of environmental sustainability, and to investigate board games already designed in order to have examples and inspiration to create a new one.


-Design of the Card Game: With the information gathered for the Documentation of Food Security and Educational Games, a board game had been designed, to transmit more dynamically and interactively the knowledge while playing. 


-Card Game tasting: The game has been tasting with 20 persons during a Board game event in Sofia, where people interested in the topic some of them with experience in the creation of games, joined the event. 


-Implementation of the Short-term Staff Training: Between the days 18th and 22nd of December a training course was carried out in Sofia. The topics tackled were the concepts of Food Security, Food Sovereignty, The Right to Food, and several real initiatives that currently are being done in Bulgaria in order to promote Food Security. 

Which activities are you planning to implement in the future?

The activities in progress are: The creation of the design for the Card Game, the development of the instructions for the Card Game more understandably and formally, implementation of the FoodPrint Programme in each country in their local countries in a presential session.


-Creation of Card Game: The game design and the printing of the game are the questions ongoing and being developed. 


-Instructions of the Card Game: The instructions and the storytelling of the game are being checked and improved in order to ensure that are clear and short, making it easy for players to understand the rules and the goals of the game.


-Implementation of the FoodPrint Programme in each country in their local countries in a presential session: Each partner organization have to develop local activities in their regions to transmit the knowledge learnt during the research about the Food Security aspects. After the presidential session, each partner organization will create 2 physical or online sessions of 2 hours each, to assess and monitor a process to empower people to carry out local initiatives to promote Food Security.

-The creation of the website: It is going to be available publicly all the material content of the project.

-Digitalization of the Card Game: It will be available publicly in English, Portuguese, Spanish and Bulgarian, on the website for everybody who wants to use it as an educational tool. 

Some conclusions until now

Carrying out the Digit FoodPrint project, the members of the three partner organizations not only empowered other people to create local initiatives, but they also learnt more details about collective groups working in their local communities directly linked to food security. It has given another perspective of the situation about what is our power as citizens to promote a fairer place where basic rights, such as it is food, could be guaranteed for everyone. This project has been significant,  inspiring participants and facilitators to take further steps to act regarding food security in our surroundings. 


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